
Showing posts from June, 2020

Maybird Gulch: Big Cottonwood Canyon

Rating: 🌲🌲🌲🌲 Ms. Madi gave me the idea of rating hikes. I thought it was brilliant! So, here is my first rating. It's a four out of five pine trees. I didn't give it five out of five because there were so many more people on the trail than I anticipated. And, it was warm, which I understand is not the trail's fault. But, it did influence my how I felt about it.  According to, it is 7.3 miles, 2,214 feet elevation gain.  This is a hike Leti and I found a few years back. It's off the beaten path, which is very nice, considering the fact that everyone these days has decided to take up hiking. Pandemics bring out the inner granola in people. I digress. We started this hike Friday afternoon, around 4. It was a great day for a hike because it was cooler than Saturday, and I assume, less people on the trail. When we first started, we still weren't sure if we were going to Maybird Gulch or Red Pine Lake. As we hiked along, among the masses, we decided to h

Kelly Canyon with the Peterson and Scott Ladies!

The idea for this hike came from Shelly, who is the source of many, many good ideas! Originally, I thought the hike was DOA because Mads and I had to head back to SLC on said hike day, Monday, June 22nd. But, one can hike in the morning for a few hours before heading South. (Heading South is literal in this case, hopefully not metaphorical.)  The day dawned beautiful! We arrived at Shelly's at 9:30. The Scott's were on time. The Leak wasn't. With a random map and the fiber bag (to be seen later), we all piled in Marge, the Peterson mode of transportation for large groups of people, and headed for the hills!  We started up a trail, not quite sure where we were going. In fact, when we saw some Kelly Canyon workers, they asked us where we were going, and I assured them that we didn't know. Not sure this instilled confidence and trust from the workers, but it worked for me. This map sort of helps to show where we went:  The farthest right arrow pointing left shows where we

Lambs Canyon Trail with the Ladies!

Once a year, Letizia organizes a hike for the ladies in her church congregation. Every year it is guaranteed to be a good time. And this year was no different. Adventure was had by all, and moose sighting were had by ... read on to find out. Photo credits for this post: Jenn and Richelle! Thank you! Above is the trailhead and the Alltrails mileage for a round trip experience. It seems with the advent of smart watches and phones, everyone comes up with different mileage and elevation gain for the same trail. For the purpose of this blog, I will use the stats off of until a more agreeable happy medium can be decided upon for distance and mileage. 😁 Here's how it went down. Most of us piled into Rebecca's car (with stadium seating for those of us in the back!) and off we headed. We hit the trail around 5 p.m. and moved steadily up. On the way up, Richelle pointed out to me the gigantic moose tracks on the trail. We recently had rain, so the trail was very, shall we

Silver Fork - Prince of Wales Mine, Big Cottonwood Canyon

My hiking buddy and I like mucho hiking. We plan vacations to hiking destinations. We discuss trail pros and cons. We research. And, we go hiking. We simply enjoy the mountains and a good climb (usually). We have talked about starting a blog about our hikes, just to remember them, for a few years now. The stars have aligned! 🌟🌟🌟 Since there is no time like the present, this blog will highlight our mucho hiking from here on out, and maybe a few past epic hikes. Enjoy!  Silver Fork- Prince of Wales Mine Yesterday was a very pleasant day in the Salt Lake Valley. At noon, it was warming up, and it was windy. 👎 Bad hiking conditions. As the afternoon progressed, heaven smiled upon us. The wind stopped, and the temperatures were perfect. We decided to go on a hike. We had researched two hikes the night before, and on the drive up the canyon, Leti basically made me decide where we were going. This hike, though not long, has some steepness. It would be the perfect afternoon adventure. We s