Kelly Canyon with the Peterson and Scott Ladies!

The idea for this hike came from Shelly, who is the source of many, many good ideas! Originally, I thought the hike was DOA because Mads and I had to head back to SLC on said hike day, Monday, June 22nd. But, one can hike in the morning for a few hours before heading South. (Heading South is literal in this case, hopefully not metaphorical.) 

The day dawned beautiful! We arrived at Shelly's at 9:30. The Scott's were on time. The Leak wasn't. With a random map and the fiber bag (to be seen later), we all piled in Marge, the Peterson mode of transportation for large groups of people, and headed for the hills! 

We started up a trail, not quite sure where we were going. In fact, when we saw some Kelly Canyon workers, they asked us where we were going, and I assured them that we didn't know. Not sure this instilled confidence and trust from the workers, but it worked for me. This map sort of helps to show where we went: 
The farthest right arrow pointing left shows where we started. The farthest left arrow pointing right shows where we turned around. 

Prior to coming, Grandma was wise enough to send treats, which consisted of the Fiber Bag! This bag had enough dried fruit to keep you regular for the hike and after, along with granola bars! Here is Megan and I showing the Fiber Bag: 

Overall, we had a great hike up. We sought a little shade on the way up and a little on the way down. Here is the group who went! (Luckily, Megan offered to take this selfie since none of the rest of us have any selfie taking skills.)

I include both of these pictures because of Sasha! The face of change... 
In order from left to right: Megan (Madame Photographer), Sasha, Maddy, Shelly, Me.

We got to the first lift and decided to take a little side trail, which sent us to another lift. I see what you did there, Kelly Canyon. You can't see it well, but Sasha and Megan are jumping off the bike jumps below! It's typically a bike trail, but no bikes on the trail that day! We enjoyed this part because it had jumps and was all in the shade. 

The end of the trail (see below) came to early for some and not early enough for others. It was a lovely view. We think we could see the Rexburg Temple, which was lovely. Rexburg, from a distance, looked very charming.

Again, I include both here. Sasha adds spice to photography.

Sasha, Megan, and Mads were out in front the whole time. I think this speaks to their age and athleticism. :) I think it speaks also to my age. Sasha and Megan also practiced a yoga pose, or something zen like as demonstrated above. I suspect they will grow up to be peaceful children. Zen skills are very high with these two.

Overall, I would say it was a successful hike. We felt exercised when we got back to Marge. We didn't have any real wildlife sightings besides the Kelly Canyon employees. And, we enjoyed good conversation. I feel a tradition coming on. Thanks, girls, for a lovely adventure! Another successful hike in the books! 


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