Maybird Gulch: Big Cottonwood Canyon

Rating: 🌲🌲🌲🌲

Ms. Madi gave me the idea of rating hikes. I thought it was brilliant! So, here is my first rating. It's a four out of five pine trees. I didn't give it five out of five because there were so many more people on the trail than I anticipated. And, it was warm, which I understand is not the trail's fault. But, it did influence my how I felt about it. 

According to, it is 7.3 miles, 2,214 feet elevation gain. 

This is a hike Leti and I found a few years back. It's off the beaten path, which is very nice, considering the fact that everyone these days has decided to take up hiking. Pandemics bring out the inner granola in people. I digress.

We started this hike Friday afternoon, around 4. It was a great day for a hike because it was cooler than Saturday, and I assume, less people on the trail. When we first started, we still weren't sure if we were going to Maybird Gulch or Red Pine Lake. As we hiked along, among the masses, we decided to hang a right and go to the Gulch. So, we crossed the river (on a bridge so it wasn't that exciting), and headed up. From the turn off, it seems like the gulch should just be right around the corner. It isn't. Don't get that idea in your head. It will demoralize you. 

As we hiked, we admired the rock across the way. I am not a geologist, but I think a true geologist would love this. The two colors are so dramatic. See the red on top. It really is beautiful. Also, in this picture you can see the crevices full of snow. If I was immortal, I would probably like to ski down that. But, as is, I will just admire from the trail. 

Back to the trail. We hiked and hiked and hiked. (Okay, it wasn't that long, but it felt long after we crossed the bridge.) I was reminded of when I totally fell on this trail. I don't even know what happened for sure. I tripped and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground. I feel like I kind of passed out for a second. Leti was there in record speed. I sustained minor injuries, which was quickly bandaged by nurse Leti. I did not do a repeat performance on this hike, which I was very grateful for because such things can happen to a natural klutz like myself. 

On the way up, we came across a nice stream. Look at that clear water! Look at the Oregon State Fan!

We also encountered this beauty. I love the water under the snow bank and the rock walls. 

We finally made it to the gulch! Yay! Inside, I was grateful we were just going to the gulch because there is this mountain that I have hiked before. You can see it towering over the gulch. It is really steep. I did not like the top part of that hike. It was a little too high and a little too steep. It's Pfeifferhorn. Here is Leti with Pfeifferhorn in the background. We hiked this with nephew Sam. He kept us both calm at the top. And, for the record, he was not sore the next day. But, old Aunt Stacey had to take the stairs two feet at a time the next day. 
This is Pfeifferhorn. What were thinking hiking up that?

When we got to the gulch, we did one of my favorite things to do in the high mountains. Find a big rock and take a nap on it. As usual, I slept, and Leti did not. (She usually likes to nap, but she couldn't nap on this day. How sad. πŸ˜“)

Leti, the insomniac, at the Gulch. Me, passed out, in the background.

Here I am looking a little more awake at the gulch.

By the way, if you are wondering what a gulch is, I have this answer, from Leti. "A gulch is like a ravine, except less jaggedy." Yes, folks, that is a direct quote from an engineer. Made sense to me. After a long time at the gulch, we headed back down the trail. I had no idea what time it was, clearly, because we didn't make it back to the car until 9 p.m. I was nice to just be immersed in the hike, with no concern for time. But, I probably shouldn't make a habit of being unaware of the time. Usually dinner at 10 p.m. is not optimal. Anyway, it was another great hike in the books! 


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