
Showing posts from June, 2021

Dog Lake via Butler Fork

 Rating: 🌲🌲🌲🌲 Length: 5.3 miles. Elevation Gain: 1811 Feet. Date Hiked: June 5, 2021 The above picture is the only time I have actually seen Dog Lake look somewhat clear. Usually, it looks like a mud puddle. This was a pleasant surprise. Four out of five trees. It was a nice hike. I am not in ideal hiking shape so I couldn't give it a five tree rating.  We arrived at our hiking trailhead in the late afternoon. From the trailhead, we had never gone straight up to the lake. But, there's a first time for everything. So, instead of our usual loop, we hiked straight up to the lake. Leti motored right along. I huffed and puffed all the way up.  The canyon was super pretty here. Me at the lake. I was still a little shocked that the lake was somewhat clear.  Leti looking thrilled at the lake.  A nice patch of quakies on the way to the lake.  This was a very pleasant hike. It was a quick five miles, but I had been needing a little time in the mountains. Everything was green and beau

The Sawmill Trail (of death....)

 Rating: 🥾🥾🥾🥾 Length: 7.9 miles   Elevation Gain: 4606 feet   Date hiked: June 11, 2021 Friday, June 11th, was the last cooler day in the forecast for awhile. So, Leti and I took advantage and went on a hike. We were excited to try a new hike for us. It will be fun, we said.  We will have a great time, we said. This will be a great training hike to get us in shape, we said. And then we hiked. And almost died. (Dramatic music in the background.)  This trail was absolutely relentless. Per mile, on average, we were climbing 1,100 feet. That means some miles were more than that. And the last mile, I swear, went for three miles. But, that's besides the point.  Four out of five boots for extreme steepness. :)  The hike started out with a wide trail, not too steep. But then things changed rapidly. The lovely sunny flowers at the beginning of the hike were a tad deceptive. It kind of lulls you into thinking the trail will be like walking across a meadow. #inaccurate This trail went up