Grandeur Peak


A view from Grandeur Peak. Length: 5.6 miles. Elevation gain: 2,365 ft. Date hiked: 5/16/21

In good news, this time, when we hiked, there were no rattle snakes along the trail. Just lots of people and their four legged friends. There were very cute dogs on this trail who were well-behaved and thankful for an adventure. So, it got four flowers. It was a good little hike, but too many people and really rather quite dry. 

We began this hike at about 3:30 in the afternoon. It was one of those Saturdays that begged for a hike, along with house and yard work. So, we left a little later. It was hot and sunny. The wild flowers were alive with no snakes! For the record, the last time we did this hike, there was a rattlesnake gliding along the side of the trail. I didn't turn around and go home. But, I did make haste past the snake. Perhaps the fastest I have ever hiked in my life. Note to self: do this hike in the winter or early spring prior to the rattlesnakes inhabiting the mountains.

Blah, blah, blah. This hike is slightly deceptive. You can see the top pretty much the entire hike. So, you think it shouldn't take too long to reach the top, and you think it really isn't that steep. Yesterday, I sounded like an out of shape runner. And, I was walking. It is a tad steep, but I am out of hiking practice, which led to my intense breathing program. 

The top was lovely. Crowded, but lovely. The views are just pleasant. 
Leti, at the top. The mountains just go on and on! 

Me at the top. Like me, the top was extremely dry.
SLC from the top of Grandueur Peak.

After our snack at the top, we headed back down. That was a lot easier on the lungs. But, my knees hurt today. Time to hit the weights again. On the way down, we just wanted to document that there are flowers. See: 
Wildflowers that look like minature sunflowers. Very lovely. 

Also, at the bottom of this hike is the kind of grass I played with for hours as a kid. You can pull it apart. I would make all sort of mud stews with this grass. It really captured my imagination as a child. Leti also played with this grass in her childhood.

This used to grow wild on the ditch banks at home. Pull apart. Put in mud stew. Viola! My debute as a childhood cook has not improved much now that I use real stew items...

Lovely hike to do in winter or spring. I highly recommend. It was another successful hike in the books! 


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