White Pine Lake

 Rating: 🥾🥾🥾🥾

White Pine Lake. 10.5 miles 2762 ft. elevation gain. Date Hiked: Oct. 10, 2020

White Pine Lake won out over a loop trail near Alta. And, for the most part, it was the perfect hike. I would not say this hike was steep per say. Just rocky. You might be able to note that from the above picture. So many rocks. Some trails have nice pine needles and few rocks. This trail had few pine needles and a gazillion rocks, which my feet did not appreciate at the end. Also, some of the color was gone already. Tragically. So, four boots out of five. 

We hit the trail around 2 p.m.  We found elite parking in the parking lot. (Elite parking comes from everyone's favorite hiker, Vicky Wetzel. As a school teacher, she would try to leave early enough to get Elite Parking which was close to the building. So, we were able to park close to the trailhead.) We both decided that we don't like the first mile of the trail. It is extremely rocky and there are a gazillion people headed up to look at the waterfall. (Gazillion is the blogger word of the day.) 

This hike was relatively flat. We are used to hikes that are a tad steeper, so this felt more like a walk in the park, which was perfect for the day. Sometimes I don't feel 100%, so this was great for me, as I wasn't feeling 100%. More like 97%, but I die easily. So, it matters. It was really beautiful at the top. The boulder fields were fantastic. 
I love this picture. The rock colors were mainly light. Except here. I enjoyed the patch of darker rocks.

This is near the top. Behind me you can see the trail as well as the two toned mountain across the way. Very beautiful. 
I like this picture of Leti hiking along the trail. It sort of give you a little boulder field scale. :) 

The lake. Me. Chillin.
So many boulder fields! This is to the side of the lake. A few brave trees in the midst of the boulder fields. 

Let's take a walk down memory lane. Last year, Leti and I decided to hike this very same hike at the beginning of the year. And, we hit a large amount of snow. So much, that we couldn't follow the trail up to the lake. In a moment of brilliance, I am sure, we followed a dad and son hiking pair across a snow and rock field, up a mountain side, to an overview of the lake. I am sure it was all very safe. (Mom, really, it was...) 

I love the snow and the turquoise blue of the lake. This was taken July 13, 2019. 
Look at that smile! This is Leti after our very safe climb up the mountainside. 

July 13, 2019. The mountains are still pretty snowy. 

July 13, 2019. Clearly, 2019 was a big snow year. 

Me looking very happy that we made it. Having a few thoughts of dread about the trek out. 😁

After we made it to the lake in July 2019, we headed back down the mountain, across and snow and boulder field. It was an adventure. Oh, and we had to cross a raging stream too. Adventures. Adventures. Today was much less adventurous. We crossed the "stream" without a problem. And, we made it down in pretty quick time. Another great hiking adventure in the books! 


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