Mount Wolverine via Catherine Pass Trail


Mt. Wolverine. 4.1 miles. 1453 ft. elevation gain.

Prior to doing this hike, we decided to make a large batch of salsa. This salsa was to the tune of 50 cups of tomatoes. What were we thinking?! So happy that we survived that, we went on a hike. As is always the trick, Leti tries to get me to make the decision on where we hike. I didn't even know Wolverine was an option. I thought we were going to Sunset Peak. But, when we got to the pass, I made the decision, because of course I did, to try a new hike. Mt. Wolverine. It was a grand adventure. I gave it four trees because it was the perfect hike, minus the smoke in the air and the extreme dryness of the trail. 

As mentioned, this hike was as dry as a bone. Literally. Our mountains are in desperate need of water.  And, we have not been so fortunate. So, when we hike, everything is dusty and so dry. It's a little depressing. We started at the parking lot, ready to be out of the kitchen and into the wild. It was lovely. We enjoyed the trail. It's very well traveled, all of the time. 

Like mentioned, we overlooked Lake Catherine, and for the first time in our hiking adventures, headed to Mt. Wolverine. It was lovely. Thanks to the All Trails app, we didn't lose the trail. And, the climb wasn't really that bad. I would say it was a friendly little peak. We made it to the peak and had it all to ourselves. We looked over to Sunset Peak and noticed lots of people on the peak. We didn't miss their company. We enjoyed the views all around. It was almost a clear day, minus the smoke. We even planned another hike from up there, so that's a win. 

Not the best lighting, but you can see one of the lakes here. Still some water in it!

A view from Mt. Wolverine. You can see the random red sled thingy that ski patrol uses. Apparently stashed for the winter. You can also see Midway. 

Not the best lighting here either, but a nice view of Leti and the Lake. 

And then, we headed back down the trail, discussing various and sundry subjects. I only fell once on the way down. Win! We enjoyed the views of Mary, Martha and Catherine as seen above. It was the prefect hike to help us recover from salsa making. Another great hike in the books! 


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