Lake Blanch with the Wetzels!


6.9 miles. 2706 ft. elevation gain. 

When Leti first told me that she planned to take her mom up the Lake Blanch trail, I wondered if she had a screw loose. I questioned her about the weather and about the steepness, but she insisted that it would be great. And is often the case, she was right. No loose screws.

We started up the trail a little after 8:30. The temperature was perfect. I could wear long sleeves and hike without heat stroke. (The last time we hiked Lake Blanch, it was beastly hot. I hike very slowly in the heat. It was not pretty.) As we hiked up, we discussed the need for safety first! No falling on rocks and landing flat on our faces. (The rule was only broken once.) We also noted the many beautiful trees. Because it has been as dry as a bone, none of us expected the beautiful fall colors. But, they were in all their glory. 

We weren't on the trail long before we learned that Vicky was everyone's favorite hiker. I had the advantage of hiking last in our group. It was fun to watch everyone's faces. Hikers coming down would look at Leti with a normal look. Then, they would look at Vicky and smile really big or have a bit of a surprised look on their faces. They would often tell her how fabulous she was doing or tell her that she didn't have much longer left. That was very fun. This happened all the way up the trail. Every. Single. Hiker. Loved. Vicky! 

About 2 miles in, there was a part where Vicky doubled over with laughter. Leti and I looked at each other. We had no clue why Vicky was laughing so hard. We thought it was funny, but we felt a little in the dark. Vicky revealed that a hike that was 3 miles up was really long! She thought it was so funny! Hahahaha!

Near the top, it started to rain. So, out came the rain coats and ponchos. It kept raining. And raining. And raining. 

When we got to the top, it rained the entire time. Luckily, we could mainly see the view. 
Lake Blanch. Sun Dial in the background.

Vicky and Leti in our lunch Spot. 

We found a place to eat a snack. It was under a tree with a view of the other two lakes near Lake Blanch. That was a brisk experience. We didn't linger long as we were beginning to understand how human popsicles are formed. Uninterested in becoming one, we headed back down the trail, with photo opportunities along the way. 

Leaving Lake Blanch. 

Leti and Vicky at Lake Blanch. 

On our way down the trail, we saw a lot of low lying clouds. And, for a time, we hiked in a fog. Literally. And, we tried to warm up. It took some time. Also on the way down, I witnessed many people with a look of wonder when they saw Vicky. It was fun. This happened all the way down the trail too! It was also fun to observe Vicky use her walking stick as a pole vault. I witnessed a few impressive jumps. I am sure it was a completely safe activity. I think she could probably coach track at the local high schools. 

Vicky on the trail. The clouds in the background are closing in on us. 

On our way down, we got great news. Three moose on the trail! Yes! On the way up, Vicky asked us if we had ever seen moose on the trail. And we hadn't. Ever. We didn't plan on it today. But, the stars aligned! We saw the whole gamut. Two bull moose, one cow, one calf. So, one more moose than planned on. It was pretty impressive. They looked relatively bored by us, truth be told. And, while we were standing there watching them, the only bull moose that was standing, laid down in the grass. Gangly legs and all. And the other three moose just laid in their spot and chewed their cuds looking extremely content with themselves. 

Vicky, Leti, and Mr. Moose. 

There really is a moose in there. 

Me and Mr. Moose. 

Fall on the Lake Blanch Trail. It was beautiful. :) 

Once we passed the moose, we didn't have a long time left. And nature was calling to Leti, so we hiked with haste toward the loo. Vicky was just shocked at how fast the time went on this hike. How could time have passed so quickly. This is how times goes when you are having a good time. I would say that it was another beautiful hike in the books! 


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