Wayne's Loop - Mendon, Utah

Rating of hike: 🌲🌲🌲
Rating of people: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Length: 2.9 miles Elevation Gain: 232 feet

A few years back, my cousin Lisa started the tradition of a summer hike. It has been a great tradition that thankfully she has kept alive and well! This year, Kassie came with us, along with three of Lisa's children: Blaize, Claire, and Jojo. We had a great time in the forests of Mendon. I sense the tradition will continue. Yay!

Wayne's Loop is a trail well traveled by many adventurous families with young kids! There are many redeeming qualities about this hike. First, for the most part, it is in the shade. Second, the elevation gain is basically nil. Third, it's not so short that you wonder why you hiked. And, it's not so long that the children despise you by the end. Win-win in my opinion. We opted to go earlier in the day because the mercury was predicted to be 98 degrees. Agony.

We all piled into Lisa's vehicle, and off she drove to the charming Utah town of Mendon, Utah. This trail is at the end of a dirt road, with fields as far as the eye could see. Jojo, who isn't quite old enough to hike this herself, got a free ride from Blaize. He brought his butterfly net in hopes of catching the perfect butterfly. We started out in the shade and stayed there most of the time. It was lovely. 
Here is Claire, the trail guide. She is a confident little lady, with lots of spunk for the hike! As you can see, she was out hiking us by a bit. 

Wayne's Loop trail does many loops. One is never quite sure what direction one is facing until a clearing. The undergrowth of the loop is very lush, something you don't expect in Utah. And, there were lots of ferns. As we hiked, Lisa pointed out the names of all of the wildflowers. It was nice to have a resident wildflower expert in the group. Blaize taught me a little bit about butterflies as well. Who knew that the white butterflies (forgot their name) are basically everywhere? I did not. 

Jojo did not find the hike too thrilling. She was out like a light for most of it. Everyone else endured it well. When it was lunch time, we found a nice shady spot and dined on sandwiches and chips, the perfect hiking food. After lunch, photo opportunities awaited.

Here we are in our hiking glory! Lisa, Blaize, Jojo, Claire, Kassie, and me. 

Look at these people surrounded by beautiful scenery! Top picture: Claire and Kassie. Botton picutre: Me, Lisa, Claire. 

At this point in the hike, some started to get a little tired. :) But, we forged on as it was hot, and the trail was more int the sun at this point. We hiked on and found the shade again. It was great to hear about everyone's doings as we hiked. Some are soon to vacation in Oregon. Some are current Aggies. (Go Aggies!) Some wrestle. Others will start school in the fall. The conversation kept us going, and before we knew it we were once again at the parking lot. As you can see in the picture below, everyone is still looking alive at the end of the hike. Win! Unfortunately Blaize came up empty-handed in the butterfly department despite worthy efforts. 

Look at us going strong at the end of the hike! 

It was another fabulous cousin hike in the books! It was great to wander through the woods and hear all about everyone's doings. I am already looking forward to next year's adventure when the tradition continues!


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