
Showing posts from February, 2021

Dog Lake with Microspikes

 Rating: ❆❆❆ Dog Lake. 4.9 miles. 1450 feet elevation gain. Date Hiked: Feb. 20, 2021 On Wednesday, I had a white knuckle drive to work. The result was a few feet of snow in the mountains! It is truly beautiful. With our new found microspikes, Leti and I decided to try another winter hike since our mountains have snow again. And, it was an adventure.  When we started on our hike we learned a few things very quickly about microspikes.   1) Microspikes are not snowshoes. This became apparent very early on in the hike. There were a few spots in the trail where we ended up going knee deep. It was fun. And always a bit of a surprise and a bit jarring. Jarring is less fun.  2) Microspikes work well when there is less snow. Yesterday there was a lot of snow. Although we didn't slide a lot, it wasn't an ideal hike because our feet never felt firmly planted. Gospel thought. A firm foundation is very nice to walk on. A weak foundation is not. Plant your feet on a firm foundation. It will